Playstation Security- Big Blow to Pirates or the gaming industry?
I don't know if you have heard to much about this but in order to counter act media piracy after the PS3 Rootkey was hacked. What they are talking about is 5 serial keys that can be used with a game. These serial keys will register the game in each console the game is played and install and after you reach 5 install the game will not work on any other system.
The thing I don't get with all this piracy stuff is that these measures they take just keep the honest man honest. If you pirate, someone will find a way to hack the security and then you will keep on keeping on with the piracy. If you don't then you adhere to the current rules/standards and then are punished or forced to go around the problem and pirate yourself.
Do I think it will help with Piracy? Maybe for a few months, a year maybe, but not long term.
Who do I think it will harm? the gaming industry as a whole.
Consider the following questions.
How is a rental company going to provide good inventory for their patrons if they can only be installed on 5 systems?
How will games like EBgames be able to sell trade ins at a slightly lower price if they cannot confirm how many systems the game has been installed on?
I recently ordered a Playstation 3, a few days before the release of this news. I have not received it yet, but that's because futureshop service sucks...that's for another post though. What was the reason for this decide to migrate from my XBox home of nearly 3 years loyal to the Playstation 3?
I borrowed a buddie ps3 for 1 week, went out and rented Uncharted, Gran Tourismo 5(GT5) and The Last Airbender (Blu-Ray) and I was so impressed at these PS3 exclusive games that within 2 weeks I had got rid of my Xbox. Purchased an Playstation, Games, and even a Steering Wheel Accessory.
This move that I made is good for: Playstation for another system sold, and licensing of games, Rental companys because I have a few years of games to play, Game sale stores...see rental stores, accessory companies, because I buy game accessories like steering wheels etc. I attribute this to 3 things, a solid gaming platform, that I would not have been able to try out without my buddy lending me his system, a Solid Game I'm thoroughly impressed with GT5, and rental companies.
I also recently purchased a game called Test Drive Unlimited 2. Would I have purchased the game if I had a guarantee I would not be able to trade, share or sell? Absolutely not.
A person can purchase a game that they don't know well with limited risk. They can buy used and get it at a lower price, or they can buy new and either of these come with the option for trade in.
So what is an honest gamer to do? Research, buy games very carefully, because if you don't like it....Too Bad...You Lose, and you are stuck with it forever
So my question is who is this going to hurt? Eye-Patch toting Peg legged Pirates? Or honest gamers like me and you? The answer is obvious